"Dramatic Bullshit"


"Deceit and violence are in fact very closely related. 'The two forms of deliberate assault on human beings.' They are both modes of dominating people; of using them in ways, and for ends, they would not willingly and knowingly choose. And though violence is the more obvious assault, deceit is more dangerous because it works on belief as well as action."
-Sissela Bok


  • His Drama Queen
  • The Impact 
  • Betrayal 

His Drama Queen

My dramatic reactions to his abuse were obviously the cause of the endless conflict and unease in our relationship. If only I had not cared about the indignity of being neglected and dehumanized. 

Damn me and my overthinking! He told me to stop thinking so much...But I just kept selfishly trying to solve problems and become a less bothersome partner.

"I can't handle your dramatic bullshit!"

That is what he labeled any concern or need I had. He let me know whatever I cared about didn't matter at all, and that I was stupid for having assumed otherwise.


Sometimes he'd use his own extreme sob story to shame me for the "petty" thing I was upset over.. You know, because it wasn't nearly as important as the horrors he’d been through.

He'd randomly accuse me of lying about my feelings whenever I'd share them. He'd say that my feelings were being exaggerated or falsified in order to manipulate his. 

I see what that behavior of his was now- projection. He treated me like I was HIM. I'm not. I wasn't up to no good. There were no malicious intentions behind any of my actions or words I spoke. I meant well, I loved him, and I didn't try to play tricks with his mind. If I told him I felt something, it was simply because that was how I felt.

He'd express disgust and rage when I worked up the nerve to mention something I wanted to talk about. That was practically always the case. 

If I informed him of something that mattered to me, he'd get furious that I was trying to initiate a productive conversation. He'd lash out at me for “unloading” “pointing” “picking” and "pushing blame."

He let me know early on that I was overthinking, overreacting simply by being myself and feeling what I had every right to feel. I had every right to express my concerns, my joy, my confusion, my sadness, my disapproval, and even my anger. That is how you communicate effectively!

You can express all of those emotions without degrading and attacking your significant other. You can let someone know you are mad at them, or that you don't like something they did, without attacking them in their most sensitive spots with the intent to cause them harm. You don't try to hurt people you love. You shouldn't try to hurt anyone.

He made me feel I was doing something wrong by existing in any way beyond how he wanted me to. He shamed me for every thought I had pertaining to my own wants, needs and perspective. 

My life is very real, as is how I feel and experience everything that is done to me. His cruelty caused me severe pain and made my life miserable. 

He'd tolerate me gushing about how much I cared about him and would be there for him if he ever needed me. But if I dared say I was ...feeling, wanting, or thinking I'd get in trouble with my boss.. I mean, my boyfriend.

I was shamed and rejected for feeling hurt.

I was belittled for having needs.

I was ignored or attacked for desiring conversations and resolutions.

He quickly worked away at me as he masterfully created a dynamic in which I was afraid to speak. 

I was constantly confused, stressed, lonely and ashamed. He played with the gaslight so much, that I didn't see what was happening. 

With so much uncertainty, I froze and waited for him to tell me how things really were so I wouldn't assume incorrectly..Because at that point, he had me convinced I did everything incorrectly. Even the way I thought and felt was wrong. It was my problem, not his. 

Then he called the anguish his malicious behavior left me in drama

It was a dramatic shift to go from the life I was living to the hell he created for me. It took him no time at all to gain complete control over me, he was the master of our relationship. He was keeping me blind with his sad stories that broke my heart. I was too busy worrying about him to stay as focused as I should have been on my own "drama."  

He wanted me dead. He told me so at one point..but everything he shamed me for and left me over never represented the reality of who I am. 

He didn't see me. The people I've let nearest to me never have. I trusted and loved him.. So when he kept treating me like I was evil trash, I soon believed that's exactly what I was. 

His degradation of my character, his attacks on every thought and emotion I expressed, and his constant refusal to speak to me or extend any care when he saw I was in severe pain following his cruel words and actions.. With all of that, he shoved me right back down into the doormat-mentality I'd thought I'd left behind years prior.


He pulled, pushed, mocked, ignored, accused, deceived, betrayed, triangulated, ridiculed, abandoned.. then turned around to call my resulting pain some trivial, silly little thing...

He called the suffering he was causing me to endure on a daily basis, my annoying drama..

A demeaning phrase or label he used to simplify my very real and painful experiences into nothing more than my own supposed overreactive, petty insanity.

He made it abundantly clear that my misery was nothing real or of any significance; that it was just my pointless "dramatic bullshit."

The Impact

It made me feel like I was what he viewed me as being

-insignificant, unworthy, voiceless, disgusting, unlovable, stupid and weak.

I am none of those things, but when I discovered all he claimed to be was a farce..the sense of betrayal was surpassed only by the devastation of feeling spiritually violated and annihilated. The depth of pain such an offense causes is not 'drama' in the demeaning way he used it, but in a literal sense. It had a dramatic impact on me, understandably. The entire relationship did.
To know I trusted my mind, body and soul with someone who had only gained my trust in order to siphon off of all those aspects of myself had to offer him..well, it left me feeling disgusted with myself. 
I didn't do anything to earn blaming and hating myself. Yet that is precisely what initially occurred. It’s something I'm still attempting to phase out.
I am now 31 years old. When I got with D.B. a year ago, I had not kissed, hugged or even gotten to know a man since I was 22. Obviously, to me kissing, dating and sex were all things I took seriously. He knew that. But he couldn't just sleep with a girl who was ok with casual sex instead.. Nooooo, he had to trick what he considered to be a 'good girl' because that is more fun for a sadistic son of a bitch who needs to destroy other human beings to get off. Such a shame..for everyone. He loves doing what he knows he shouldn't..he told me so.

He knew I was a reserved, tender-hearted woman who was afraid to let a man near her..so he got as close as possible to me while knowing he was a horrible match for me. But hey, he thought I was hot and a challenge..so he did what he had to do! Disgusting.

I think he hates pretty women. He likes to take them down so he can feel like he is better than people out of his league. But the shallow bastard doesn't seem to see it isn't my looks that make me out of his league..it is my heart, mind, and soul. I am too good for him, all women probably are.

He tricked me, and it nearly destroyed me. Not his problem, right? I made the bad choice and trusted him like a fool..right? So I did it to myself. EXCEPT, I DIDN'T. I'll go into more detail about my shortcomings and role in the relationship during my next blog..but for now, I will just say— He committed the wrong against me, all I did was trust him, care and finally allow myself let my guard down and live a little.

Making the poor choices I made doesn't mean I took advantage of myself. It doesn't me I asked for it or deserved it. I am  responsible for making the impulsive, unwise choices that got me into the situation- BUT I am not responsible for the destructive, violating wrongs he chose to act out against me. He did that evil on his own.

He knew what his actions would do to me. He knew what I cared about and what would hurt me. He knew it all. He knew how much even just getting to know someone meant to me. He knew when we first got together that I was terrified. 
He knew so much and still did all that he did...That shows the depth of his depravity and heartless nature.


  • That I had been abused in the past 
  • I had avoided dating to work on myself and to avoid ever getting tortured in the deeply wounding way abuse scars you.  
  • That I had been celibate for nearly a decade. 
  • That I had only kissed and dated three people..One of which was a high school boyfriend
  • That I trusted him  
  • That I had a huge heart   
  • That all I wanted was to finally be treated kindly by a partner. To know what a normal and non-abusive relationship is like 🤦🏻‍♀️He knew I wanted kindness more than anything because he asked, and I told him at the very start. 
  • That I was loyal 
  • That I was vulnerable 
  • That I was lonely 
  • That I would give all I had to do right by him and help him be ok..no matter what.
  • That I was happy to get to know who he said he was..I was excited to have boyfriend-something I'd feared.  
  • That he was hurting me-I TOLD HIM
  • That he was important to me 
  • That I appreciated every tiny bit of affection because I was used to none  
  • That I AM emotional and sensitive. 
    A good partner wouldn't look down on that… They'd protect and value it, because being that way makes me ME. It makes me kind, insightful, and capable of selfless sacrifice and pure love. It makes me a considerate, passionate, and loyal partner. There is strength in being capable of doing things the 'mighty' D.B. cannot do. He can pretend he's too smart and too strong to care or live with deeper meaning-but the truth is, he doesn't because he can't
  • That his actions would crush me
  • That I'd been conned and abandoned by the last man I was with eight years prior..He knew the entire story-I dated a very dangerous abusive man a decade ago..and that the only other man I dated in my adult life was the guy who 'rescued' me from my original abuser. Then that 'savior' turned out to be just another brand of abuser who spent six months convincing me he cared and acting as my best friend..as soon as I moved in with the false hero and slept with him..he came home at 2 packed up his stuff and moved out(right after one night and one day together in the apartment I paid for.) I was barely 22 years old then, I was duped..and It didn't end there..He came back, but that's another story I have no interest in diving into- It still is nothing compared to what D.B. did to me. Not even close.
  • That all I needed from him was for him to treat me right..To be kind to me. Actually, eventually all I required from him was to stay. It was a pretty low point..
To be harmed by someone who doesn't know you well is one thing, and can be a very bad thing..But to let someone know you to the core(because they pretend to be doing the same) just for them to turn around and behave as if who you are is wrong, gross, unwanted, bad and irrelevant..

He not only behaved that way, he directly told me during each discard too. It is..something else. He lives to kill. Sure, it may not be physically(hopefully..) but he kills people on the inside. And for those of us who feel -almost EVERYONE- it is a slow, agonizing and immensely personal form of torture. It's not ok. That's why he does it. He loves doing wrong, it makes him feel powerful and special..

Someone who is the target of abuse, they don't set out to commit a wrong or to shove their partner down to lift themselves up. 
All the malicious, distorted worldview, and dysfunctional approach to human interaction, belongs to the abuser.

There's nothing you can do about it.

There's nothing I can do about it.

At least not to change their ways and cruel choices…

If they want to use, they'll use. 

If they want to harm, they'll harm. If they want something, they usually get it because what is to stop someone who doesn't care about anything but themselves? If they want it..they want it-nothing else matters beyond that-AKA-beyond them. 

These types of people will always exist. They view the world as a place to hunt and 'survive' in, instead of a place to be an actual useful part of.

Just as angry, hollow people like my ex will always exist..people like me and other victims of IPV/crimes will too.

There will always be the opportunistic predators in disguise, and their well-intentioned, vulnerable counterparts.

Life is not fair. We all know that..

Nobody deserves to be abused or harmed by someone for any reason beyond self-defense.

Being truthful and kind should not be a punishable offense..but, a lot about life is unfair.

I shouldn't have to wall off my heart.

I shouldn't be made to feel small and weak for being a person with drastically stronger character than the one casting shame my way.

I shouldn't have to watch my step so closely that it borders on paranoia, because abnormally animalistic people lurk in the shadows and hide behind masks in order to turn you into prey.

BUT I will watch my step. 

I will be more suspicious and less open with all new friends and partners. At first.

The monsters will never change, but those of us who survive their attacks can tend to our wounds and strengthen our defenses against the broken people who turn life into war.
This man, whom I still want to be alright (although I'm almost certain he never will be), is a man who has never and will never view me as I am. He will never care. He will never see that I matter, that what I experience and how I feel throughout each moment is my valuable perspective-it IS MY LIFE-and how I live matters.

I matter. My joy, peace, desire, confusion, dissatisfaction, shame, sadness, anger and pain matters..That is my existence. What I go through and how each moment is experienced by me MATTERS. 

He made my moments hell. He made days, weeks, months absolute hell. 

He became like a horribly damaging mental illness I was stuck without intervention. 

My quality of life, he killed it. 

He stole my happiness, hope, trust and love. His hate and inability to see me as I am..as all people are-saying it damaged me fails to express it.
He treated me like I was nothing. 

To him, I am nothing other than a pleasure or an aggravation. He could pinpoint useful traits, like my love and lack of suspicion whilst he was playing mind games to jerk me around.

He sees what enrages him, what amuses him, what feeds his belief that I am weak unworthy nothingness whilst he is strong and to be revered.
He can see his rage clearly-just perhaps not that the causation is within in himself and not the fault of outside stimuli/others. He can see contempt for 'me' and my negative thoughts about all the worst aspects of himself which caused me distress and damage.

He can scrutinize and twist all the characteristics he observed about me into something awful and deserving of his disdain and brutal attacks. He can see his petty, yet overwhelming desire to put me in 'my place,' and punish me. 

He can see hate and the red that takes over when he is 'disrespected', but he can't see ME. Not truly. He sees what he wants to see.

He sees weakness to poke and worsen so he can feel stronger and feed off the disasters he creates. He exploits the traits that are not supposed to be weaknesses.

If someone loved me, trusted me, gave me their all and believed in what they saw, they would not be harmed-they'd be appreciated, nurtured and respected. Not pushed to the edge, broken, shamed and traumatized.

I don't know everything, never will. I can't be certain of what is inside someone's soul and mind, because I am not them. However, I can judge the pattern of behavior and the immensely negative way it damaged my mind and my life.

I will assume some of his intentions because he will never possess enough integrity or self-discipline to tell me the truth..he likely doesn't know much truth since it is always bending with him to fit whatever serves the moment.

I will not let him cause me to insult my own intelligence because I failed to suspect him of having a scheming nature. I have researched, I have experienced it extensively. I'm not clueless, that was just his favorite pet name for me. lol. 

I know I don't know everything, but I do know I know some things. I know many things, actually. 

I know he hurt me.
I know he doesn't care about how life is or ever was for ME for MY sake.
I know he lied to me.
I know he abused me.
I know he is severely narcissistic.
I know he enjoys hurting people.
I know he thinks he matters more than me and everyone in general— which is why talking to him like he is an equal comes across as disrespect to him.
I know he is suspicious of others, even the many people he defines as simple pawns in his game. 

I know some of his inhuman ways are not his fault, but I also know the blame for his hurtful actions does not belong with me or anyone else he acts out against.

I know he can't and won't ever agree with sound logic, because he needs control of every single thing in his world. Including what does and doesn't make sense based on how it makes him feel, think, or look. If I were to twist the world in my favor the way this gentleman does..it would be interesting, and far easier for me to stomach than reality.

To remain unseen even afterwards enhances the lonely hell the abuser had you in. 

To not be understood, because your experience is not one majority of people have looked into or are comfortable discussing, further invalidates and triggers you to pick up the abuser's torch as you begin to gaslight yourself.
The wounds from 'just emotional' and psychological abuse are severe and long lasting. It can ruin and end lives through the resulting difficulties.. Such as the struggle to become functional and transition back into normalcy.. And sometimes, more times than many like to admit, abuse leads to suicide..other times murder. To me, if an abuser pushes you to suicide, it’s kind of is a murder anyway.
To be broken matters.

should have to exist lost, afraid, hurt, alone and without hope.
 But that is where narcissistic abuse will throw you into. 

All of these valid points are such dramatic bullshit? No sir…


It IS a big deal.  It DOES matter.


1. relating to drama or the performance or study of drama.

2.(of an event or circumstance) sudden, striking, and showing a big change.

He was the only actor performing, so let's stick with definition 2. ;)

To abuse someone is serious. It has a detrimental impact on the target's psychological and physiological well-being. The drastic changes it has on the victim's emotional and mental stability IS dramatic..And the only bullshit, is the fact that you have been stuck cleaning up the mess the abuser created.

The impact abuse has on a target's life can be, and often is, severe. So much so, that diagnosable trauma is not a rare occurrence. There is nothing stupid, crazy or 'dramatic'(in the demeaning way he meant it) about taking something of such magnitude seriously. It matters, because people matter. Even assholes like him.

Things he classified as dramatic bullshit: 

(All of this happened while we were in a supposed serious relationship.) 

  • Me being scared when having issues breathing and getting taken to the hospital by ambulance at the start of a global pandemic. I was sick for over three consecutive weeks and he didn't even notice. = DRAMA (+ Manipulative)

  • Me being confused whenever he immediately cut off ALL contact for several consecutive days following any wonderful day/date we had together..He’d *Poof* = DRAMA (+ 'All in my head')
  • Me being upset and confused after he told me he has feelings for another woman and she is why he broke up with his last three girlfriends. = DRAMA (+ 'All in my head'/ 'Overthinking'/ Needing to 'Let it go!'/ Selfish)
  • Me wanting to talk through anything with him and understand his side of story = DRAMA (+ High maintenance/ Selfish)
  • Me asking questions and needing clarity after witnessing baffling contradictions. =  DRAMA (+ 'All in my head'/ Pushing Blame/ Unloading/ Pointing/ Selfish)
  • Me getting deeply hurt when he called me clueless, selfish, manipulative and accuses me of shady things that I never did and never would’ve done.= DRAMA(+ 'All in my head'/ Pushing Blame/ Unloading/ Pointing/ Selfish/ Crazy) 
  • Me being annoyed and jealous after he brags about how he could sleep with 19 year old girls he knows want him, and that one keeps sending him pics in Snapchat, including one of her by a pool. = DRAMA (+ 'All in my head'/ 'It's not always about you!') 
  • Me apologizing because I figure he is going through something and needs my patience = DRAMA (+Trying to manipulate him)
  • Me feeling lonely because we never talk and asking him to conversate with me = DRAMA (+ 'All in my head' /Finger pointing/ Overthinking/ Selfish) 
  • Me asking him why he cared more about how annoyed he was, than he did about the severe pain his aggression was causing me. = DRAMA (+ Crazy/ Selfish/ Clueless/ Pointing/ Pushing Blame)
  • Me having a nervous breakdown after getting completely mindf*cked by the man I loved and trusted  = DRAMA (+ Weak/ Crazy / Pathetic)
  • Me caring about what is good for me, and sharing what causes me harm because I thought he cared about me = DRAMA (+ Selfish/ Crazy/ Manipulative)
  •  Me wanting my needs and desires to be acknowledged too.  =DRAMA (+ High maintenance/ Selfish/ Crazy/ Pathetic/ Weak). 
  • Me being my own person with a full range of human emotions = DRAMA (+ "F*cking crazy!")


"Consent means 'freely given, knowledgeable and informed agreement.' Assent means agreement on the face of it.' 

So, when someone tells you a lie, you can be agreeing on the face of it but you're not knowledgeable or informed. 

You can assemt and agree, but that doesn't mean you're consenting. — Assent doesn't constitute consent if it is induced by force, duress, or deception."
-Abby Ellin, Psychology Today

To be tricked not only into sleeping with someone, but also into loving them..is such a profoundly degrading and earth shattering experience. It takes away your truth, your safety, your rights. It may not be a crime, but it is dangerously damaging.

Sometimes, the fact that such a cruel man was ever anywhere near me makes me feel like I'm too disgusting to be wanted by someone ever again. Pretty sure that’s exactly how he wants me to feel.

D.B. is a 41 year man who still lies to get laid..Stuff juvenile and raunchy comedy films are made of..But in real life, it is no distasteful joke. It is something much darker, and far more disturbing.

For a man to not only tell a small lie to get with you(that is also horrible), but to also create a convincing and astonishingly elaborate false reality in which he claims to want a meaningful relationship, lets you bond with his family, then claims he's in love and desires to be married..He was even trying to convince me to get pregnant. That is insane, and insanely disturbing.

He said he experienced SA as a child. I assume that was a lie..if not, I cannot fathom how he could stomach tricking someone into bed when he knows how damaging it is being violated and powerless to stop it. I have room to speak on the matter. That’s probably part of the reason why D.B. called me “damaged goods.” He also knew those words would hurt my heart severely, because when he and I first got together I had trustingly let him know that’s how I used to view myself.

Anyway, I know to take the subject matter very seriously, and not to compare something to rape for dramatic effect. It only makes matters worse to know that HE KNEW about my past... Yet he did what he did anyway. Is he evil? I like to try to believe he isn't, for some reason...

Maybe he didn't lie about the evil he said was done to him, it's possible..but the vast difference between how I love and how he can't is simply too much to unravel at times. I can never be completely sure, because I am not him- thankfully. I don’t mean that in a snide way.. I am so thankful not to be him. I don't even wish being him upon HIM. I know that sounds funny, but I'm serious.

If consent wouldn't be given to the real you and your true intentions, then you are NOT obtaining consent. You are using emotional manipulation and/or coercion via trickery. Being with someone who consented to your deceptive front is being with someone who never actually consented to YOU. It's a hellish experience it is to be degraded in such a way. It is absolutely horrible. I didn't know what was happening until after we were over.

Consent CANNOT be granted If you aren't who you are presenting yourself to be, or If your intent is nowhere near what you claim it is. You are in essence, providing a false ID to obtain access to something that you know damn well is listed as a restriction on your hidden, valid ID. How can I know what I’m agreeing to if the real option is kept hidden?

I consented to the man he pretended to be, someone genuinely interested and wanting to become my husband in the future. He pretended we were in a meaningful and committed relationship that was going somewhere. If none of that was real..

If I had known the real him, and his that he never had any real intention to actually stick around or care about me, I would have NEVER let him near me. Which is why I consider it a serious violation. 

If he had wanted to date me just to see where we could go (like normal people do), and then we simply didn't work out after we slept together...that would have been fine! But that is NOT what took place.

He claimed to know exactly what he wanted from a relationship with me. He repeatedly claimed our partnership was one he wanted to be permanent. He kept telling me that he and I would make it..that he would never give up on us or let me go because what we had together meant the world to him. He lied to me.

And he can call it what he want, such as dramatic bullshit, but he knows what he did. He knows why it is wrong, no matter how unbothered he is by doing wrong.. He knows what wrong is, even if he doesn’t feel it or care.

Him saying he will do anything to make it up to me...that he will spend however long it takes to prove himself to me and to show me how much he loves me and wants to spend his life with me, JUST TO THEN ABUSE ME AND RUN AWAY less than one week later (less than 48 hours on a few occasions) is NOT OK. It is a lie to gain access to using and hurting me. 

I don't know how he lives with himself. Wait, yes I do..it is easy when you have no conscience. Whether he suffers from a disorder or not- the act itself is pure evil. He is not a respectable or impressive man. He is living like a bad person. I am glad he is not my person.

Yes, I am a grown woman who makes her choices- usually lol. Look into gaslighting, coercion, and cognitive dissonance. No big deal right? Wrong. It is a big deal to me. He knew that. I hadn't so much as kissed or hugged a man in over seven years. I did rush in with him, that was my error and my responsibility. 

I am responsible for the bad choices I made which landed me in his path, but I am NOT responsible for the wrong he chose to commit against me once I was there.

He fabricated a entrancing story to get me to be his. He presented something that made me feel safe and certain. He presented a fake him, a fake us, and a fake and well developed reality...He warped everything in his favor throughout the entire relationship.

He manipulated me. Fooled me. Exploited me. He made sure I thought what he knew I needed to think to go through with how involved I was with him.

He lied to cover his tracks so he could keep me on call and under his control for the few times he wanted me around. It was an intentional, treacherous scheme and illusion to have me see him the way he needed me to see him, so that he could get whatever he wanted to get.

If I had rushed in and regretted it because I lost interest, or simply because he was an unfaithful dude..that would be unfortunate, but I would’ve handled it and accepted I made a choice that didn’t turn out as planned. 

I’d get back up and dust myself off in preparation for choosing more wisely next time around. Cool. You learn from mistakes-eventually ;)  BUT that’s not what I was subjected to.

What I faced was more than just repercussions for my poor choices and impulsive actions—Being played by a manipulative abuser is sinister, and makes you sound like a conspiracy theorist. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Because people think what YOU thought when you first rationalized his behavior- that ‘nobody would actually do that!’ 

It is not the same thing as regretting being intimate with someone who turned out to be a jerk ..It is not the same as regretting a one night stand. I don't know, I have never had one- I wish he would have been one. ha! So he couldn't have had the opportunity to break my heart.

I'd rather work through and learn from the regret of a poor choice I made on my own, than have to accept and cope with the betrayal and degrading mistreatment carried out by the man I trusted.

Being used by a narcissistic, exploitative partner is not the same things as sleeping with someone you thought you had a future with, and then being bitter because things didn't work out. It is not anything close to that..

There was no trial and error, drifting apart, or changing of minds. He ALWAYS knew what he was doing and what he actually wanted..And it was not the lie he fed me. He never wanted a relationship with me. He only wanted to sleep with me and make me feel horrible about myself. That's all he cared about- sex and his sadism.

I was involved with someone who intentionally deceived me by pretending to be whatever he had to be to get what he wanted. My attention, my approval, my devotion, my body, my love, my energy and my time.

He lied about what he was after, what he was going to do, and about how he felt about me. If he had told me what he was really doing with all that free time while he was busy ignoring me for days to a week at a time, I would not have ended up in his arms again..I can assure you.

Cheating or no cheating -I am quite positive he cheated plenty- I went to the doctor numerous times after the relationship ended to make sure I was still healthy, because I had no idea where he’d been/ how many women he was sleeping with while we were together. I have a clean bill of health, thank God..but realizing what he did and how it could’ve impacted my sexual health was terrifying..and mortifying. I had to call and ask for every test possible..it was additional humiliation.

He promised he didn’t cheat on me, and that he had never cheated on anyone in entire his life. Mmhmmm. Sure... He never displayed integrity in any other aspect of our relationship. He lied constantly. He abused me ruthlessly.. Yet, he expects me to believe he is capable of being faithful? Boy please!

His impulse control is much weaker than mine, and he didn’t care about me.. He loved when I was in pain. I can figure out the rest. One way or another, he was a fraud. The relationship was never what he told me it was. It was a game, and/or something for him to make use of for the moment.

If someone won't sleep with you for who you really are, and you have to express false intentions and present some customized persona..that is absolutely wrong, sleazy, violating, selfish, and enough to make the perpetrator deserving of castration... because lying and manipulating someone into sleeping with you is not a clever seduction technique, it is a physical and mental violation. It’s not alright. It's disgusting, no matter how many people try to normalize the behavior. It is wrong. It’s absuive and incredibly damaging.