Labeling the Abuse



  • Accepting What My Relationship Was
  • Discovering Narcissistic Abuse

He assumed that I'd only reached conclusions about our relationship because my therapist had 'fed' me information. He tried to take away from the accuracy of how I defined what I’d been through. He said the patterns fit but that the term used to describe them didn't apply to him.

Later he admitted what he’d done, but he also tried to explain everything away. He shifted blame for his hideous behavior onto me and his time in the Marines. He even went as far to say the hell I endured due to his abuse wasn't all his fault because I was already ‘damaged goods' when he and I got together.

Accepting What My Relationship Was

Even the loving things I’d write to him sounded apologetic. I was constantly making sure my letters and messages started out with me stating my non-hostile intentions.. not that it did any good. It was my preemptive defense against his usual accusations or dismissal.

Shortly after we began dating I started to doubt my thoughts more severely than I can describe. I didn’t know what was going on or what to do. I lost faith in my ability to understand things or feel certain. I became desperate for guidance. I started to feel like I was incapable of thinking, speaking, or behaving correctly.

I didn't want to hurt or be exhausted anymore. I'd apologize because I thought I was wronging him. I figured whatever was causing problems had to be my fault. Like, I must have done something to make him lash out.

I learned to agree with his negative opinion of me when he’d say my selfishness or craziness had provoked him. I believed him. So I believed something was terribly wrong with who I was.. and that I burdened him.

I constantly tried to appease him, support him, and cause NO HARM. He'd apologize and praise me days after each blow up.. Then the cycle would repeat itself. I couldn’t see that at the time, mostly because I no longer saw clearly anymore.. And if I had, I simply wouldn’t have trusted my own eyesight— He’d convinced me that it was unreliable.
I frequently started to attend counseling sessions due to the extreme stress our relationship was causing. I thought D.B. was merely complicated and going through a difficult time due to his recent life changes and family tragedies.. So that's what I relayed to my therapist. She assumed that was true, until a pattern revealed itself. 

The ugly pattern started to become more apparent to her as time went by. His lashing out and/or abandonment, apologies, promises, a nice date or chat.. then repeat. It was a miserable ride that kept me spinning and crashing on an endless loop.

Anytime I'd feel I could let my guard down, rest, and be happy.. BOOM! He'd shake everything up, knock off the small amount of balance I’d regained, and hurt me. He’d tell me I was safe, then rip all comfort away as soon as I would begin to feel it.

He'd attack.. then leave me completely bewildered and alone to suffer through it. He'd often claim there was no attack or incident for me to be bothered by, and that it was my response to the situation that was unacceptable, crazy, selfish, manipulative, and dramatic. I was simply too high maintenance, too jealous, and too inconsiderate.

He used various methods. All of which resulted in me feeling guilty, sad and confused. He poked, neglected, insinuated, pushed ideas of mistrust and fear into my head… Then he would react to my valid concerns like they were coming from someone in a straight jacket hollering make believe words at him.

I was more than confused, I was losing my grip on reality. I was trying to get by and wait it out. I was in denial.. My confidence and ability to decide upon much of anything was gone. My therapist noticed I was no longer acting like myself. She had no idea why I was acting differently. I was on edge, depressed, confused, and often frantic. The stress I was experiencing kept consuming everything I had. I was so tired, but too terrified to sleep.

My therapist would point out the changes in me and ask questions. She was concerned. Eventually I was too upset to keep it in. I started spewing about the instances in which he behaved bizarrely and with a complete disregard for how badly he was harming me. I was overwhelmed and mixed up. I told her everything I was drowning in.

After sharing some of the specific things that hurt me, she said
"You do realize you're in another abusive relationship, right?" I said "Yeah..". But at that time, I still didn't get it or see it as intentional abuse..

I couldn't truly accept it was abuse, although it definitely was. She told me to start journaling everything. BEST ADVICE EVER.

I was advised to write down exactly what was occurring anytime I started to feel upset, confused, overwhelmed..and to then describe why I felt that way.— As in, what was taking place in the relationship. I had already been doing that to an extent.. (which is why the stories throughout the webpage are rather detailed)

There was something powerful about seeing it all written out on paper, especially when I would flip back over the pages in the middle of baffling episodes of abuse.. I would go weeks or months without looking back at what I'd written.

When I’d finally look over my journal entries it was humiliating. I could see that something was horribly wrong, and that he was a very uncaring, damaging partner. I knew something wasn't right. I could see in my writings that I was unhappy and that his actions were breaking me down. I was in so much pain. I was scared, ashamed, and exhausted. 

How he spoke to win my affections.. The loving things he'd say after giving me nothing for days or weeks would briefly numb the worst of it out. But it still didn’t make sense for his sweet words to coexist with his accusations and unpredictable attacks that shamed me until I was no longer wanting to feel.
Saying you care a lot about someone and want a future with them, then suddenly telling them they’re a clueless, selfish, crazy liar as you end things or refuse communication, is dramatically abnormal behavior within any relationship. That’s what he’d do to me. 

It wasn't ok.. It wasn't stable or rational. It was destructive, cruel, and antagonistic madness. It is not how people act, but it is how he acted towards me. He called me crazy while his actions opposed truth and reason.

Just as I'd begin to lose hope and inch closer to accepting our relationship was indeed abnormal, abusive, or over, he'd soothe me with kindness until I would start following his lead again.

He'd become sentimental, apologetic, and passionate right after being disgustingly cruel. He’d suddenly invite me to spend time with his family. He'd resume acting like the him I thought he was deep down. He'd behave like he really was the man who had won me over at the start. 

After he’d explain things away I would shove my journal aside like all the facts staring up at me no longer existed. I’d hope again. He’d claim to be struggling, and I would believe him.
I'd listen to his beautiful promises and well worded explanations.. I'd doubt myself while having full faith in him. 

Well… that all came crashing down during the main discard. When he abruptly abandoned me on his birthday my heart and mind couldn't take it. I shouldn't have had to.

He intentionally pulled me down into his chaotic, deceptive, aggressive, and self-serving reality.. and then said I got there on my own. I did it to myself.

He told me I wronged him, and that I was too much to put up with. He shamed, blamed, and deleted me like I was a horrible and pointless thing. He told me he’d wished I were dead, then mocked my suffering when I wanted to die.

He claimed everything was my own doing and that I deserved the debilitating pain I was in. I believed it. I remained trapped in the hell he built for me for a long time after he left. Sometimes it feels like I’m still there, and other times it’s like part of me believes I still should be. 

Discovering Narcissistic Abuse

—Discovering information regarding this form of abuse saved my life—

My therapist did not diagnose D.B, nor did she label the abuse at that time. 

I was devastated after he heartlessly abandoned me on his birthday. It took me a few weeks to be able to even think of looking into the situation. I was too busy trying to pull myself out the hellish disorientation, shock, heartbreak, shame, etc etc. I was trying to make sense of it, but not in the manner of trying to research it.. I was trying to cope with what had taken place. It felt impossible.

His behavior during the discard had been extreme and hostile towards me.. Less than two days prior he’d spoken so lovingly. He’d adored me, wanted a baby, said he knew I was going to be his wife.. Then suddenly he hated me and was gone. It was shocking, cruel, and unusual.

I couldn't function or make sense of how I went from being in his arms and spending 12 hours with him family, to alone and destroyed in less than a 72 hours span of time..with no incident in big confrontation...


It was horrific. 

It is not how anyone should ever be treated. 

He didn't care. 

He simply didn't care or want to waste his time showing me respect and decency..

How much patience, consideration, time and effort I had given him was nothing to him. I was nothing to him. 

I didn't matter. He showed me I was nothing and undeserving of his time. 

It was terrible.  
I was in full emotional shock. A few weeks after the main discard on his birthday, I started looking through my journals and calendar more intently. Things were slowly starting to reveal themselves.
I was sad, shocked, and angry. I wanted to understand what had just happened to me. None of it made sense. So I began to search online. I had never heard of narcissistic abuse or psychopathic abuse (can practically be the same thing)
I got online and started typing statements related to my relationship in the search bar... A list of phrases, like the ones that led to my discovery of narcissistic abuse, is available at the bottom of this page.

I searched incessantly online for at least a solid week, just reading and reading.. The results consistently kept coming back as Narcissistic and Psychopathic Abuse..CONSISTENTLY.

I didn't stop there, that’s only how it started.
I researched the intricacies of narcissistic abuse feverishly. 

Even after several days of research, it wasn't enough to 100% convince me..It all matched..but was too ugly to accept.

What finally made things truly become more certain, was when I started reading stories from survivors of narcissistic abuse.. 

Suddenly, my chest began to tingle, my heart began to race, and it was like I was coming out of a fog..
All of these poor ladies(and some gentlemen too)..their horrid stories..their cruel was so eye opening and such a massive ordeal, because it sounded like every single one of them had dated D.B...

I read a solid 20+ personal blogs, stories and articles from professional resources. After I kept searching the web and reading of others’ experiences, I became obsessed.
I had been miserable and stuck in a dark place..this revelation didn't make my state of mind much less dark... but it did start waking me up, and revealing what he had kept hidden from me—the truth. Reality.
To read so many stories that sounded not only similar to my situation and experience, but many were damn near identical. I even tried to find ways for me to be wrong..I COULDN'T IGNORE IT ANYMORE. I knew.. I didn’t want to..but part of me knew.

It was undeniable that these victims/survivors had all dated men(or women) with the same disorder(s) and/or issues that caused them to behave in a freakishly similar way..just as many of the victims had similar vulnerabilities and struggles.. 

All targets of the abuse blamed themselves and were told they were crazy. They were all initially shocked, confused, depressed, and in denial.

It is a lot to wrap your mind around.. To know you loved and trusted someone so deeply damaged that they can barely feel, and cannot actually feel for others..

The lack of empathy and insight is astonishing, and a common theme in survivors' stories.. The callous and disregard for the horrific pain they inflict. 
The chaos, crazy-making, insanity.. always present within these relationships. 
The instability is enough to snap just about anybody... ..I couldn't believe it was real.. That this was a thing..That I had no idea. 
It was not like a bias that led me to label the abuse I endured..It fit him because EVERY SINGLE THING that made no sense beforehand and left me shocked and broken..all the stresss..The other girls, the insults, the all suddenly made sense..As much sense as nonsense could make.
Everything fit..perfectly. Things that didn't make sense did.. Not as in I understood why he did it, but he definitely did it.. and followed the pattern. 

He was never the man he told me he was. He wasn't the man I’d believed in.  

The love bombing, the gaslighting, the triangulation, the discard, the hoovers, the antagonizing the blaming me for being upset..the silent treatments..the horrible, horrible endless silent treatments, the contradictions, his double standards and the way he'd call me crazy, dramatic, or tell me I was overthinking anytime his words and actions caused me a great deal of stress, confusion, and pain.

Looking on professional websites which stated the stages of narcissistic abuse shook me to the core..

It was MY relationship with unique to me, but yet I was reading an outline of our relationship over and over from people who were not me.. It was a lot to take in.  

I knew.. but I promise you, each time he came back around I didn't know anything anymore..
I didn't want it to be true. I wanted to stop hurting. I couldn’t fathom him being so heartless..even though he’d shown me his hateful nature many times.. 
I would do what majority of victims do when their abuser returns or make promises and excuses—  

I would think-

  •  I was gaslighting myself. 
Learning how to handle narcissistic ‘hoovering’ is still something I am trying to master. Learning about cognitive dissonance and trauma bonding has helped tremendously. BUT even after learning about such things in great detail..I still got lost in the confusion each time he came back. I still ended up hopeful and back in his arms.. I couldn't stay away. 

I had read all about why NO CONTACT is necessary with highly narcissistic individuals..but I didn't trust myself, I was scared, I was sad. I missed him. I loved him for some reason. So when he came back..well, I just wanted everything to be ok.. One time I even thought I didn't want him anymore..that I just wanted closure..I didn't get it and it didn't end well. They almost never give you closure, which is yet another thing that fits the pattern of narcissistic abuse.
Last time he provided fake closure to pretend he was the bigger man, but he refused to actually speak to me to say goodbye and let me speak back or ask know, to give REAL closure and respect  to someone he’d put through hell. Coward left a voicemail, left me unblocked and stonewalled me throughout my birthday..that story is here
It is also common for narcissists to say all the right things in a condescending way, so when you respond they can play innocent as they present you as the one acting out. 

They are cruel, selfish and highly manipulative individuals..even if their backstories and reasons for being that way vary. Same end result.

I didn't fall for it this last time he pretended he was respectfully bowing out towards the end, and I sure did sound crazy going off on him. I didn't care anymore. Who is he going to tell? His family and people I don't know? They'll all figure him out eventually anyway, And what they think of me doesn't matter. I could see his bullshit within less than a year.. If he thinks his family hasn't or wont know what kind of man he is-he's wrong.  They should love him anyway.. Everyone needs unconditional love from somewhere.
Even though it was painful each time I let him back in (total of 7 or 8 times) I did learn..and each time who he really is became clearer and clearer. The pattern became so obvious and disgusting. There was no more denying what type of abuse it was. I am CERTAIN now. I endured narcissistic abuse. It was a nightmare.
He caused me to doubt myself and blame myself each time he came back, just to abuse and use me some more.
He'd either manipulatively act concerned or productive by shifting blame to me and my baggage..and also to the Marines and his childhood. blah blah..or he'd boldly attack my character and mental health.
Ruthless, heartless, pathetically pointless way to be. He'd attack.
He couldn't hold a conversation like a civilized, mature, emotionally intelligent adult.
He'd attack and run after he made sure he had inflicted as much pain as possible..
Regardless if he is highly narcissistic, suffers from antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, or narcissistic personality disorder, he is a narcissist (all those disorders have a narcissistic core). He is underserving of the amount of love I still have for him as a person.
He wants me to believe that I'm clueless, worthless, and wrong. No.  I may be naïve and have trusted the wrong man..but I am not an idiot (not that being unintelligent makes someone a bad person). I am not lacking intelligence to the extent which would prevent me from applying my newfound knowledge. 
I was able to label the abuse because I am capable of thorough research and applying logic to analyze a situation I've spent great effort into understanding..
I have researched and read enough over the past ten months to now be confident that I know what I know. He can't make me doubt that ever again. Recording eight+ hours of audio during our phone calls helps too. I see what he did to me. I know what I went through, it was hell.

I was manipulated, used, betrayed, attacked, dehumanized, and abandoned by a highly narcissistic man.

I can see the image slowly coming into focus one little section at a time.

The title fits, because it properly describes his mistreatment of me.

I call it narcissistic abuse because that's what it was.

When I initially started typing statements in my online search, I'd type variations of things related to our relationship like this:

(I typed the word 'abuse' before most statements to get relevant search results.) 

  • "Abrupt and aggressive breakup without warning"
  • "Extreme, shocking behaviors from angry partner"
  • "He went from adoring me and wanting me, to suddenly uninterested and repulsed by me”
  • "He said he wanted a serious relationship and a wife, but now says he never thought he was going to get married again?"
  • “He shamelessly tries to cause me pain whenever he is angry.” 
  • "I'd respectfully let him know his actions had hurt me, he would spitefully tear apart my character and attack me for caring about the issues in the first place." 
  • "I critiqued his actions, he scrutinized and mocked my character and mind." 
  • “If I told him I was hurting, he’d get angry and hurt me more instead of helping make it better” 
  • "Our relationship got intense fast. We became a couple right away"
  • “Says comforting loving things and makes promises right before he becoming cruel again.”
  • "He insults a lot of people and uses derogatory terms to describe women."
  • "He doesn't do what I want-ever.." 
  • “He was free to lash out, ignore me and display extremely harmful behavior- but I wasn’t allowed to share when I was sad, scared or confused by it.”(AKA double-standards of the entitled, misogynistic abuser)
  • “"He can act like a completely different person. I never know what to expect" 
  • “I can never relax  in my relationship. I’m always watching what I do because everything I do is wrong” 
  • “I feel guilty after he hurts my feelings, like I did something bad to him.” 
  • “I am always trying hard not to upset him.” 
  • "He said he wanted to have a child with me and then abandoned me in a immediately after!”
  • "He contradicts himself often"
  • "He accused me of lying, manipulating, overreacting, being dramatic and selfish when I shared ANYTHING. " 
  • "He constantly criticized how I felt and thought, and refused to discuss it any further than telling me he was not ok with what I had to say or how I felt. He refused to consider me and compromise”
  • “Always my fault. Not allowed to solve problems or address what I needed without facing serious consequences”
  • "He said I was going to get fat again, then said he was just joking when I looked upset."
  • “Asking for reassurance and affirmation gets me into big trouble with my partner.”
  • "He asked me if I had a c-section or natural birth..then laughed and said he wasn't asking for the reason I thought" 
  • "Boyfriend ignoring me for days without warning"
  •  “ He acts like he hates everything about me often. I’m confused. I don’t know what I did wrong
  • “My partner lets me know he doesn’t need me. He can ignore me for days while he knows I’m in pain, and still not care about what he’s putting me through.”
  • "Boyfriend refusing to respond to me when  I am hurt and begging for communication”
  • My man never did anything for the good of our relationship, only did what was best for him and what he was ok with.”
  • "He always tells me I am asking for too much any time I want ANYTHING..or any normal couple stuff."  
  • “My boyfriend calls me hurtful names and accuses me of horrible things I’d never do.”  
  • “ If he doesn’t like it or want to deal with it, he doesn’t. No matter how much it hurts me.”
  • "He said he was extremely selfish and shallow."
  • "He invited me to things in the future and left or lashed out before it could ever happen..."
  • “My daily life was happier before I met him.”  
  • "He will act like a completely different person. I never know what to expect"
  • "Never felt safe or knew exactly where I stood with him."
  • “Partner driving off when picking me up for a date, and refusing all communication for days.  No explanation or apologies.”
  • “Felt like I was a kid getting in trouble with my parent..but he was my boyfriend” 
  • "Becoming scared to express yourself because of how they respond" 
  • "He has extreme pity-inducing excuses for everything bad he does..or he says I caused him to be mean." 
  • "Feeling unwanted, unimportant and lost in a relationship"
  • "When he always tells me it is going to get better and that he has new hope." 
  • “Trying to be understood disgusts him and incites rage” 
  • "When he hates everything you do and think" 
  • “My boyfriend constantly creates drama and chaos, then calls me dramatic or crazy for being bothered.”
  • "Always feeling guilty when I let him know I need to talk" 
  • "Being falsely accused and frequently belittled by partner"
  • "Feeling only invisible or annoying to him."
  • "If he gets angry any time you try to talk to him" 
  • "Always says it is all in my head when I am worried or upset by his behavior”
  •  "No matter how hard I try, he acts disgusted and leaves me lonely." 
  • "He’s never there for me, no matter how much I am there for him"
  • "If I tell him I feel scared or sad, he responds angrily and vanishes."
  • "I feel like I don't know how to do anything right anymore."
  • "I have to be so careful and I'm too scared to say anything."
  • "I'm miserable. If I tell him he’s hurting me he doesn't care." 
  • "When he refuses to hear your side." 
  • "Tells you how you feel makes no sense or that you’re crazy and selfish for feeling that way." 
  • "Being called crazy for trying to discuss how a partner's actions hurt you"
  • "Partner bragging about exes and other women, then telling me I'm being insecure"
  • "Partner acting in love and then like he hates me the very next day."
  • "Boyfriend saying I am upset for no reason.."
  • "Partner always calling my feelings drama."
  • "Boyfriend never calling me."
  • "Partner unpredictable and demanding"
  • "Partner never offers comfort."
  • “My boyfriend picks on me and makes me hate myself.” 
  • "He always made me feel bad about myself. He was always judging and scrutinizing me just because I wanted to communicate"
  • "He sent a pic of us sitting close in his bed to a friend with a caption ' Mission accomplished.' When I asked he laughed and said his friend had told him to f*ck that b*ch and get back to the game they were playing online.."
  • "He smacked my butt in public, talked about private things around others and embarrassed me. Made me feel ashamed, small and objectified.” 
  • "Crudely told his teenage nephew we were about to have sex and kicked him was disrespectful, embarrassing, inappropriate and gross."
  • "He is 40 and talks about sleeping with 18-19 year old girls like it is normal.."
  • "Said he doesn't like skinny girls..made me feel like he was calling me fat." 
  • "Never complimented me on anything other than my looks."
  • “Always had a big story and excuse for his horrible behavior.
  • and on and on and on, and onnnnn. 

    You get the idea. 

Many of the articles these searches helped me discover are available here: