Three Years Later


It's that time again y'all. I finally finished it..for now. I'll try to shorten & perfect it over time, but at least I put all the sections back— The Discard

Proud ☺️

There's a day in my life that I sometimes jokingly refer to as Dean-ageddon, or my own personal doomsday.

It's a relief to be able to tease myself or make petty jabs about it now, but when I was living through it there was too much chaos and suffering to make light of the situation.

I've been such a hot mess these past three years, but it will be alright. At least I'm still trying. 🖤 

I'm learning to stand up for myself better than ever before. I’m proud of myself. 

I’m glad I’m still fighting to get back to myself and grow as a person.

I’m also thrilled that the heartbreak I used to feel over my ex has grown so distant that I don’t even have enough passion to put forth any more effort to write about it. 

I’ve either gotten over it, or learned to detach due to how many times he’s completely abandoned me.

I’m more interested in working though current issues and moving forward in a direction that doesn't hurt as bad as the past.

Highlights from My Recovery: