I don’t hate narcissists in general.. I do not believe all 'narcissists' are hopeless or evil.. but I do believe most cannot change, and that the minority that can change likely never will.

Some narcissists seem psychopathic and willfully malicious, while others appear to possess scraps of empathy they forget about while compulsively focusing only on themselves.

Vast majority have poor or nonexistent introspection skills even if they manage to care about someone in their own toxic way.. Out of the narcissists that aren’t intentionally cruel it seems 99.9 % will still be too stubborn, in denial, or selfish to get help.

Regardless of an individual’s narcissism levels or underlying causation, being abused by a narcissist sucks. I think it’s ok to poke fun at their ridiculous behavior to relieve tension. If you are comfortable with that, enjoy the collection of memes and things I will be placing on this page :)

Ugh.. I still feel guilty for not considering narcissists’ feelings more. That’s hilariously frustrating. Too bad!. If you’re a narcissist in need of my mushy enabling I have plenty of pages like that. Here’s one — Caring for the Careless— Now off with you!! It’s someone else’s turn to matter.