"Pathetic Rants"

My 'pathetic rants' usually spewed out and became excessive during abusive episodes/ his hoovers..The writing at the very bottom of this page is the reoccurring catalyst which always resulted in my word-explosions.

He called my heartfelt and desperate attempts to be heard/understood pathetic rants— hence the title of this page.

  • Why I "Point at Him"
  • Be Me- Perspective
  • Desperation Disclaimer
  • Text-ageddon
  • Provocation
  • His Hoover Pattern
  • Rants I Sent During Hoover 4
  • Me vs You

Why I
"Point at Him"

Writing is my way of reflecting on something complex in order to work through it. It has always been my main creative outlet. My writings about him are not merely about pointing out everything unacceptable he did. There's a purpose, a solid, non hate-fueled one.

It's my introspection, as well my attempt to comprehend the situation in its entirety. My words surely do hold him accountable for the abuse. I'm trying to stop taking responsibility for what HE DID to me.

If I keep blaming myself for what I didn't do, I'll be continuing the invalidation and belittlement of myself; which would be like he's still here. I can't live with his ghost.

My writings aren't driven by a desire to hurt him. I definitely hate the behavior and think poorly of him right now, but I'm not trying to hurt him with my words- He never cared about my thoughts, he isn't going to start now-thus, my disapproval, anger and sadness won't matter to him. It never did.

When I share details of his ugliness towards me, I'm not claiming to be flawless or saying that I hate him--I'm not, and I don't- It isn't to show strangers that he's a demon and I am some innocent, victimized saint. Those are inaccurate descriptions of both of us.

I am pointing out how he wronged me and how badly it hurt me because...I never knew what was real while we were together. I believed him, but what he told me was real never matched his actions or the misery I was in.

I got lost, and I thought the pain and chaos within the relationship was ALL MY FAULT. I was miserable..my chest is tightening just trying to convey what is about to follow.

I write out all of his wrongdoings because he denied them the entire time, and made me think I was hurting, crying, and breaking down for no reason at all.. That it was just me. Something was always wrong with me.

When I asked him for help to solve a problem his inconsideration and anger caused, he'd claim there was never a problem in need of solving. According to him, I was choosing to selfishly create them, because I was a problem.

He denied everything I felt or thought while we were involved. He let me know that whatever I felt or needed was a nonsensical attack on him. He let me know that my needs were unacceptable, and that I was wrong to think I knew how I felt and why I felt it.

When he did something abusive that caused me a lot of stress and pain I would try to kindly and cautiously discuss it. I would ask what happened, what I did or failed to do, if he was ok, if I could help, or if he could please help me by providing clarity, reassurance or even kindness..

If I tried to ask or speak about how badly he was hurting me in the most productive respectful manner possible..he tore me apart and made me believe I was tearing him apart at random because I was crazy, clueless, and selfish.

He made me HATE ME. I thought if I could just try a little bit harder I would eventually manage to do something right, and we would be ok. I tried with all my might and sincerest efforts, only to still always fail him somehow.

I felt like a terrible, insane, selfish, clueless, undeserving thing. I am trying to undo that. Dissecting it all through the written word and analyzing it bit by bit assists me with that..to a great extent. It is MY COPING MECHANISM... Just as being abusive is his.

Everything he did that caused me a great deal of pain is all being put out there, because I just want to know something again. I want to be sure of something, of myself. I want to know, I NEED to know, because everything I thought I knew he convinced me I didn't..and that I was an imbecile for thinking I knew anything in the first place.

Writing everything out straight from my journals and audio recordings helps me see it all more clearly. It gives me some sense of the reality that was hidden from me.

Seeing and knowing all the bad things he did, helps validate within myself that I was feeling tortured, miserable, lost and worthless for a very real reason that had nothing to do with who I am or what I deserved.

The abuse was not happening because I am a bad person who was doing something wrong. His cruelty is what was hurting me.

His abuse is why I felt so confused and miserable in a way which caused me to nearly stop functioning as a person, as the person I was before him. He killed her. While we were together I knew I died..but he kept telling me I was still breathing, and according to him my thoughts and feelings were simply getting it all wrong. 

My emotions were NOT wrong and crazy-
they were real and right. I was right. 

It wasn't 'all in my head.’
-He lied.

I felt hurt because he was hurting me.

I was unhappy because he was making me miserable.

I felt confused because he was confusing.

I felt rejected because he was rejecting me.

I felt insecure because he made it unsafe.

I felt alone because I was in our 'relationship' by myself.

I felt unloved because his actions only showed selfishness or disdain.

I didn't imagine it. My emotions and pain didn't just materialize out of nowhere. It was his actions and my reactions. Yet he had me convinced my reactions to him weren't reactions at all; they were my actions in response to nothing. —A misunderstanding, an imagined intent, or I cared too much about something unimportant because my past made me too sensitive and dramatic.

I wasn't crazy. My pain mattered. It was real. I kept trying to push it down because he made me feel like my pain was all my fault, and that it was causing him pain. He caged me, tied me down, and told me I was unchained..but inside I knew I wasn't ok. I wasn't free at all.

I was whatever he wanted me to be, but he never wanted whatever that was as soon as I would conform to it.

This is part of the complex reason why I rant and ramble. This is why I would 'unload' my thoughts onto him and why I 'point' share my story and feelings now.

This is why I am going through the stages of grief and cycling anger and sadness. I am healing and working through the process of reminding myself those feelings are real, that I am real, that I didn't do this to myself..and that what was done to me matters. I matter.

I am forgiving myself and working on removing the burden of taking all the blame he placed on me off of myself. I am trying to get free. I have to accept that he did what he did, and the fact that what he chose to do impacted me in a very ugly way.

I am pointing out his wrong..because it was very wrong and unjust. Because I am tired of being treated wrong and victimized.

I was victimized by him. I can say that with certainty, but I am NOT a victim. I am recovering, and my mentality isn't going to permanently be 'poor me.' But I am going to validate myself, my pain, and how I was wronged, because he never did and never will. IT WAS WRONG.




I can't minimize the severity of his actions and their consequence, deny it all, and avoid all I hate to see so I can completely alter reality to my liking and temporarily feel better- That is what D.B. does, and lying to yourself will not solve anything or allow you to heal and improve.

I can't accept something I refuse to admit happened, and if I don't allow myself to admit how wronged I was by him, I will never be able to face all of the uncomfortable hurt required to make it right.

He didn't allow me to hurt without guilt for hurting. He didn't let me be angry without guilt and anger towards myself. He didn't let me be happy without guilt because he wasn't or because what I was happy over was lame. He shamed all of my emotions, he shames all of me. He didn't let me be me. I lost myself. I became someone different. I refuse not to get back up. I deserve better.

I deserve to be myself and to feel alive again..to want to live again..To not be scared to care about others and be myself. Who I was, knowing that I lost her for a real reason is helping me get her back. 

I'm digging myself back out of the nightmare I've been entrapped in. I was coaxed in at first, and then violently pushed even further into the toxic muck with him repeatedly until that's where I thought I belonged. I thought that was where I deserved to be.

..I KNOW he is to blame and be held accountable for the abuse. He just refuses. I can't control or change him. That is alright. I am not trying to. He has free will, so he can be as horrible as he wants. He can do whatever he wants, and HE DOES.

He chose to behave in an abusive manner. He committed those wrongs against me. Which quite literally makes me his victimI am not living that way. I was a victim of his abuse, but I am not a victim of this life, my circumstance, or this world. I will be ok. I will learn. I will heal.

But I am not blaming myself anymore. I am pulling out the shards of blame and self-hatred he left in me— ONE MASSIVE WRITING AT A TIME. ;) 

I don't care if that makes me insane to him. I have to decide who I am on my own.. His malicious and distorted view of me is irrelevant. Everyone's view of me is, actually. It isn't a show. It isn't a game. I just want to be ok so the hurt doesn't consume me. I want to be ok so I can be of use and capable of helping others, and so I can want to live again.

If that makes me pathetic and 'fucking crazy,' then so be it. I'll decide if that's who I am or not, because I decide- not him or anyone else. I am so much more than that; more than he could ever manage to see.

Knowing reality of our relationship is a massive step towards knowing my place and worth again. My place isn't where he tells me to stand. My place is where I actually belong in life, and I don't belong anywhere disrespectful or full of contempt and insincerity.

Recovering from this abuse is starting with recalling the relationship and all the things that caused damage to me within it. The toxic relationship is a puzzle that I am getting as much clarity as possible by laying out all the pieces I have available- including facts about what he did to me and how it caused harm and made me feel. That's a start at least, and I refuse to stay still as a collapsed version of my former beautiful, loving, happy self.

I am taking action. Therapy to heal and address my own vulnerabilities whilst I redirect my faults, my website and words(which kind of ironically are an action), the way I interreact with loved ones everyday, and the way I am trying to get back to interacting with myself.

I am not sitting back solely blaming D.B. and just hating him in a little corner. lol I do get angry..very angry..but why shouldn't I? Wouldn't you get angry and feel wronged if someone hurt you, lied to you, betrayed you, treated you like dirt? Abandoned you and acted like a monster towards you when all you did was love them with all you had to offer??

I do blame him for hurting me, because HE DID.. If I don't accept what truly happened, learn from it, and become a wiser, stronger, and more selfless person every single day for the rest of my life- THEN I will blame myself. THEN I would have failed and done the worst kind of wrong. 🎤

—Be Me

On a different note, I'd like to explain where I was mentally when I typed up my 'pathetic rants.'

Just use your imagination..You using it?? ..Here we go, you are going to be me. Ha. Just go with it-

The difficult man you love has shown back up and gotten you overwhelmingly conflicted. It has been a very tumultuous relationship.. He has been gone for four months. Last time he was around he did what he always does— he hurt you.

All the major holidays have just passed without him, and you thought about him during each one. He is someone you wanted to marry and have children with- at one point you thought there was going to be a baby.

You thought there were going to be a lot of beautiful things, but he destroyed everything and ran. Now he is back in the world he broke apart. He even went to therapy with you! Could he mean it!? Could you have been wrong about him.. You start thinking.. maybe he does care! You thanked him repeatedly and cried tears of joy and told him all about your appreciation..(because he has never really done anything for you. You're shocked.. but finally in a good way?)

Here he is, the man you loved after you thought you would never love again. You wanted to see him immediately. Sure..you know it isn't a good idea.. You now know he has been very abusive.. You know he will do it again and go..but for SOME REASON, you can't tell him no..because a big part of you doesn't want to tell him no.

When he comes back all those wounds, the ache, misery and at many times sickening numbness.. it temporarily gets a little less heavy.. maybe even forgotten for a few moments..  You feel comforted... more whole. The denial kicks in.. followed by the familiar, foolish but oh so stubborn hope. When you two get together it is awkward, but better than all the time before when he was gone.

You want to be with him. You just do. No matter what you tell yourself, no matter how much you know it conflicts with what you SHOULD do... You feel like your skin is on fire if you try to stay away. It feels uncomfortable and almost unsettling to try to block him out. You almost can't take it.

You go to his place, cuddled, and watched a hilarious movie together. You felt like you could've peacefully fallen asleep if you'd stayed in his room.. which would've been wonderful because you haven't been able to sleep much since July.

This gentleman who has just reappeared in your life says he has big plans, or at least a great gift for your fast approaching birthday! He is going to be with you on that day. Wow, you imagine how grateful you would be for the gift of him staying and not hurting you. It is a little sad how much that would mean to you..because he should've been doing it all along. But..you're still dangerously excited. Having hopes around him is dangerous..they never survive. He kills them all. But you just fall right back into his arms and his lies.

You had been avoiding men and love for almost a decade. No dates, not one kiss or even a phone call in all that time.. This man you love swept you off your feet many months prior..he also crushed your spirit and joy into the ground and left you in a dangerous darkness that could have cost you your life. His hate left you in the darkest place you have ever been..and you have been some dark places in the past... But it's suddenly completely unimportant, because NOW HE IS BACK!

The man you love and have fought for, been long-suffering with, worried about, laughed with, planned with, held, and hoped with..he is back! After the hell of a year it has been due to COVID, the abuse, the loss, the shame, the feeling like you have failed all over again by being back in this type of situation.. The confidence that used to radiate from you now seems as though it never existed as a part of you in the first place.. Who you are is.. you don't know who anymore. It is a lot to bear. 

BUT here he is!❤️

He is back with beautiful promises..even some which are small but in no way small to you. No man has ever given you a gift on your birthday. No romantic partner in your adult life has taken you on a date or been kind to you..Sure, you only dated two other people..but still, that's all you know.

And here your love is. This guy..this complicated, unpredictable, wounded, and cruel guy you inexplicably adore. ..He came back and you just don't want to hurt anymore. You are exhausted. The pain is heavy and horrid. You want it to stop, you want to escape the hell he left you in. And now here he is, making you feel alive again..almost like someone again.

And then, just as quickly as he returned, he's gone..and you are now even worse off.

All those old feelings that had started lifting while he was away come crashing back down on you harder than before. And there is nobody there to help you put it back together. Nothing around to make things clearer. Just a mess of confusing thoughts..his harsh words floating around your head and taking ahold of you. All the self-loathing he threw you into months ago is back.

His birthday, it feels like that day is back in full force, like you are there again..like you are on the ground in your driveway on July 8th all over. It's like that moment never actually ended. You could swear you are there.

Everything inside of you feels like it is there, even though you are here..wherever here is. The pounding in your ears. The aches, the shakes, the dizzying confusion..It is just like you are in that day and that specific moment when it all hit you at once. .and nothing makes sense at all..all over again.

And this man you love, he doesn't care. If anything, he is amused. He is glad. He's done. He got what he wanted. And now he doesn't want you, because he sees nothing there worth his time. The same way he treated you the entire time you were a couple. But you'd forget all of that when he had finally softened his tone, held you, and seemed like the man you saw on that first date again.

You wanted to give him forever, he promised forever to you. You believed it, because you believed in him. He broke you, he came back, and then he broke you again. And nothing makes sense anymore.

The world that still was not even halfway back to right-side up again from his initial flip.. it is now turned all the way back to the wrong side again. It is spinning in a dizzying, unknown new direction.

You are alone. You don't know who this 'you' is. You just want it to stop, be still, and be alright. He made it be alright, the hurt he caused..he made it steady a bit, the swirling was easier to stomach for a little moment with his kindess. But it left, and then he did.

He HATES you.

Of course he acts like none of this can be related to a consequence of what he did to you.. So conveniently for him..your break down and sympathetic nervous system spazzing out is definitely not caused by something proven to be severely damaging to someone's mental health -such as psychological abuse- but instead, he KNOWS that your little mental collapse is occurring solely because you are crazy..

No rational explanation for your current state other than that...Definitely not his fault. The horrid mistreatment didn't do it -no.. That is just a coincidence. You are obviously insane and he can do better.

He doesn't have to put up with this!! With you! Afterall, who are YOU anyway!? Nothing and no one who has ever been or ever will be of value to him. It's about what he feels will benefit HIM most..And currently he knows that's not the disgusting, pathetic mess that is you..a mess he didn't create. It was all you. It is you.

It is all your fault.

You did this to yourself.. And since you let this happen..you deserve to be exactly where you are at.. Suffering, breaking, lost. Not his fault. He didn't do anything but abuse you. That's all he did! No big deal. Nothing is a big deal, not to him.. He's seen worse. He's stronger. He's more. He's right, and without blame for his actions against you.

You deserved it..Why else would it be happening again? Something is so wrong with you. You are wasting space. You are clueless.

You're selfish, crazy, pathetic, unwanted, and a worthless hinderance....just like he tried to tell you and show you so many times before.. Look at what you did to him- to yourself. You can't do anything right. No wonder he hates you.

With all of those negative thoughts now taking over and consuming you.. He is saying things to try to destroy you, and doing something he knows for a fact has destroyed you before.. something he did..more than once. The worst was on his birthday..and now here's yours..and he is making sure your birthday is just a wonderful as he made his.. 

He does it all again easily. And he never looks back except to see how strong he is by having made a mess of you..and how weak you are because he took you down..which to him, makes him even stronger. It makes him the 'winner.' 

It was never supposed to be contest or a game..


THE END. Imagination exercise done🤷🏻‍♀️

Hope that helps provide context..or at least entertains someone. Or if Mr. D.B. reads it, he can get his ego boost and hopefully leave another poor girl alone for the few minutes it takes to read my page.

To conclude... all of that above is exactly where I was mentally when I wrote all the rants that will be placed on this page..where I was when I blew up his phone with my cycling emotions and pain.

Same thing happened each time he came back. He let enough time pass for me to almost forget the pain in between discards, then he'd come back with a hideous reminder just after I made enough progress to be feeling a little better than how he had left me..but not 100% He is an extremely cruel man.

I don't know how he can stand the thought of hurting people..but I guess that is because he truly can't feel or care...Which I suppose is why I feel he is barely a person. He is..full of something close to evil, if not evil itself. He is something other than how a person is supposed to be. There is no heart.

He is empty. And so, being with him starts to make you feel empty too, like you are disappearing.. and the transition into nothingness is not a smooth one

I never wanted to be better than him or to win the fights- I just wanted him. I wanted everything to be ok. I didn't talk about issues and try to solve them in an attempt to 'be right' and to 'win.'. There was no selfish-ulterior motive.

I wanted to talk about the problems to communicate, to compromise, to understand, to heal, and to love.

That's it. That's all I wanted, and all that I tried to do. I never had high standards while we dated, or else I would've left him a few weeks in, I only wanted to be treated right.. To be treated like an actual person. I never wanted to wrong him!

When he convinced me I had wronged him (by trying to share my thoughts and needs) I felt terrible and tried harder and harder to be better for him. To do right by him, always. Yet he wants me to suffer.

He wants me to be less. He decided I was less the first day we met. If he saw who I was, if he knew me on any real level..he couldn't have done what he did.

He thinks being colorblind and self conscious are problems he has, but the only thing that he actually needs to grow bigger and too see better with is his heart; I don't think it exists. And yeah, the last sentence was semi-lighthearted.

Text-ageddon Got Rough!

So, I sent him some interesting and bizarre stuff-Some pretty darn embarrassing stuff honestly.

For a few reasons, not all texts are going to be included:

  • Firstly, because that many messages wouldn't fit on this page. lol
  • Secondly, some of it is not appropriate and/or is private. 
  • Lastly, because I did not save many of the texts this time around-so obviously, the super embarrassing ones  weren't among the few I didn't delete off my phone. 
BUT, I don't want to deprive you of a chance to laugh at me, or deny that I can also act poorly. SOOOO I'll summarize to give an vague idea of how they went.

It got pretty bonkers. I am not like him, I actually know that I am not perfect, unaccountable, or always handle myself with proper decorum..and it isn't usually anyone else's fault. I am only human. I own it, and try to do better. That's all anyone can do! Hopefully this can give someone a laugh—

I was pretty desperate for a response..like really really desperate. Even typed out old school chat room symbols for breasts to try to get his attention on my conversation he had muted, because I know you can see the beginning of the first text message when a convo is muted..And..it worked!
It was the only time he finally responded days and hundred of texts in. So..cartoon breasts got his attention. Yeah, and I got more creative than that..I promise. Sad..I know. Classy? Nope! But that was after several days of stonewalling/refusal to provide closure and hold a conversation with me where WE COULD BOTH BE HEARD! And did I mention, it worked!?

That’s the most ‘manipulation’ I ever did- and it wasn’t abusive calculated BS..nor was it malicious or deceitful. It simply wasn’t a proud moment. So if he wants to call me manipulative and crazy again- go for it..I tried to use sex to get his attention several days into the silent treatment during his 4th hoover after enduring the year long abuse cycle. It is a logical rationalization, not flawed justification!
He always acted like logical thinking was the most illogical thing ever! Which, once more, is why him doing so and constantly invalidating and shaming my thoughts is crazy-making/gaslighting. 🤦🏻‍♀️

He had refused to talk to me on my birthday! I definitely did beg,,that, I can't call pathetic because it is too heart-breaking.. especially considering the context of our relationship.

It is pathetic to make someone feel that low just to laugh at it, ignore it, and then shame their pain to make sure it becomes even worse.. To me that cruelty is pathetic and detestable. It was pitiful that he just left me hurting like that after everything.

I was shocked and hopeful again..as always, even after all he’s already done. . Oops.. again. I'm working on breaking my attachment and fondness for him fully. The Allowed to Be Angry page has helped some.



He didn't seem to ever learn much about who I am, just what things he could take advantage of or insult. Oh snap. But he is right about one thing, I do ramble and rant, especially under extreme stress.. Ya know what is extremely stressful??-Getting abused by someone you trusted! 

I also ramble in messages and whatnot because I love writing because I'm a dork— He's something that starts with a D and ends in a K too!  HAHAH. Get it?..I never once claimed to be cool y'all!. :P

Below this section are some of the massive messages I sent him during this last hoover. I found some of them saved on my phone. I was a little shocked some of it was rational, because I was not doing well at the time. I never am doing well when he's around. Cognitive dissonance, heartbreak, triggered some CPTSD big time...and  frustration.

That's not to say I am not ashamed or embarrassed over some things I texted to him when I was desperately trying to get him to break the cruel silence. But I am not going to beat myself up for it either. I do enough of that. No need to have his words and mine both mistreating me.  

Being stonewalled is excruciating.. He used gaslighting and stonewalling constantly while we were a couple. It was very painful and confusing. I needed to get some answers, closure.. I was starting to get all stirred up again. ABUSE WILL DO THAT TO YOU. 

Anyway, being ignored and abandoned is hell.. Especially on my BIRTHDAY by the abusive ex boyfriend who had just popped back up after 4 months of no communication since the last abusive episode.
The ex boyfriend who in July I honestly believed was 'it' for me. He had led me on, expressed multiple times that he wanted to get married. Back on his birthday.. the main discard.. I was fully in, I thought he was my future. I didn't want anyone else or think he was playing me. 

He turned my world upside down and ripped my heart out on his birthday...THEN a little over half a year later on my birthday, he reappeared and abandoned me again..right after going to therapy with me for the first time.. He refused to have a discussion with me to solve an issue.. He was doing crazy-making behavior whether it was fully intentional or not.

I tried to reason with him..be rational, honest, vulnerable..MY MISTAKE..again. He doesn't do honest, reasonable or merciful. EVER, unless he needs to lure me back in to mess with my mind/heart some more. But as soon as he gets me(like a conquest), he stops giving me anything- I don't get shit...because he is an abusive narcissist and if he doesn't feel like doing something and it isn't important TO HIM,  then he decides it isn't important in general-AT ALL! Because, ya know..the universe revolves around him, and his wants, needs, philosophies .. And all other people are just in the way or useful to pass the time. 
My feelings, my needs, my well-being, and his basic understanding of respect be damned!  If I try to put myself first after always putting him first, he calls me selfish, unreasonable, or crazy. If I ever say I need something..he responds like I have wronged him..because it isn't ABOUT HIM. And the fact that that makes absolutely no logical sense ..is precisely why that type of contradicting, hypocritical, abusive, neglectful behavior is called 'crazy-making.'  
I freaked out for a reason. I was desperate for real communication and to be acknowledged for a valid reason. I lost my composure and broke down for a reason.. Dealing with an impossible, toxic person is not what anyone walks into a relationship prepared for. It is exhausting, disorienting, painful, and traumatic all while he calls the consequence of his actions/abuse you being dramatic.

So basically, I am saying he can take that blame-shifting and shift it right up his own ass. :)

You be the judge if my rants are pathetic.  I don't think they are. I think they are HUGE but not ignorant or insane.. My thoughts aren't stupid or something to be ashamed of.  But I do think they are sad.. as in— it is sad that I had to beg and talk that much through text to a man that supposedly loved me because he REFUSED healthy communication and respect..
Because he refused to speak to me.. It is sad that he hurt me so badly. And it's sad that I shared my feelings and thoughts and he ignored and or insulted them only. No care.. No respect.. Definitely no love. 

It is all sad. His black, undeserving heart getting to absolutely crush mine is truly sad, and proof that life isn't fair. Most of us know that. Bad things can happen to anyone.  He was a big talker about karma..probably because he knows it's coming for him... Likely not in the way he thinks, but it will come for him in ways like he will be surrounded by chaos and die alone in his sad, confusing, lonely head.. Or maybe not.. Then it will just catch up to him once he is gone. One way or another..his cruelty will catch up to him and he will reap what he sows.

His running away and avoidance reminded me of a child covering his ears because he didn't want to hear it. He acted like me wanting a mature, healthy conversation was insulting to him.. 

Why should HE have to talk to ME, especially if HE sees no need for it!? It reminded me of  something he once said while he described one of his seriously abusive episodes from the past, he said "I don't have to put up with this!' Classic entitled-narcissist speak.

I swear trying to love and truly communicate with certain types of abusers -with him- is like getting your mind and spirit raped. No, that is not an exaggeration. I would know. Calling it a form of emotional rape is not inaccurate. This relationship, this man, left me feeling like my emotions and soul got completely violated, degraded, and broken in a way I never thought possible. And he sadistically LOVES to know he did that to me. 

I will be mad sometimes, lash out through writings, I will hate what he did, call him out..but I would never want him to experience what this relationship was like for me. Never. I would never wish that upon him. Luckily for him, he can't feel.  


A General Outline of His Hoovers:

(Rapid lovebombing, devaluation, gaslighting, narcissistic rage and a discard-all in under a week!) 

He would reappear 1-4 months after another hoover/discard which always ended abusively.  Initially, he'd say that he was aware he'd done wrong, and that I could speak freely. He claimed he was willing to do whatever it took to work through the difficulties together. To make it, treat me right, become a better man, and marry me.

However, shortly after his return(once a mere 24 hours, other times a couple of days) I'd start getting triggered and fearful. I would ask for reassurance and comfort..I'd let him know how important it was for my peace of mind and recovery. Then he'd respond to me like I was speaking gibberish and had just assaulted him. 

So in my attempts to respond constructively,  I try to reason with him by explaining I'm just really scared. I'd go into detail explaining why, what I meant by it, what I wanted, and how much I cared. I'd even apologize for how I was struggling and feeling...

It was just like when we were together and I'd try to help him have insight into my mind so he could understand me..the way people are supposed to get to know one another and deepen trust and closeness...ya know, like in A RELATIONSHIP.

I'd share all my personal logic because I thought he simply misunderstood me..I could think of no other reason because he'd get so angry when I was only asking for help and sharing my own struggles, feelings and thoughts. I couldn't get why me being kind, honest, and myself made him SO ANGRY and disgusted. How can you say you love someone, but absolutely hate everything that makes them them...like their views, actions, and feelings !?
In my first round of texts about my feelings, I wasn't wronging him, attacking him, tearing him down-but he'd respond with such hostility about how I was blaming him and that I was crazy and he didn't have time to deal with it. -with me.
I always made time for him..But asking for his time set him off and caused him to leave me broken down after he'd let me know how awful I was and how his life was already busy and hard enough without me piling more on.. N n n n n narcissist- I was just being myself and a person..people have thoughts, feelings, and needs.
So after I tried to communicate for compromise, consideration, and solutions.. he would deal the biggest blow and degrade me with text-yelling, name calling and quite frankly tearing me apart and telling  me how horrible I was being to him and how messed up I was. Oh, and after his attack he'd stonewall me like a coward.-which was another attack in terms of abuse. THEN I would get heartbroken and enraged at the same time, and I would BLOW UP.
Each time he came back my 'blow ups' / rants became more intense, unsteady and insulting because he was pushing and pushing and waiting to point at me the moment I couldn't take it anymore and snapped back. Oh, and he always uses it against me so he can have an excuse to abuse me even more in his goodbye text as he runs away. He lets me know 'my place' EVERY TIME.. Ending an abusive relationship on an abusive note-over and over.

I was truly dealing with depression, anxiety, triggered CPTSD, and cognitive dissonance when I reached out to him, begging for for him to just talk to me. That's all the support I needed. All I needed to feel calm, reassured, and loved was for him to speak with me. For him to actually just care about what I was going through, would have brought me more joy than he ever has..just for him to care.
All he had to do was listen to me vent, tell me he cared about my suffering, offer ANY comfort and concern for my well-being..If he would have just let me know I was safe, that he'd be there for me, that he was trying and not lying. 
But.. I knew he'd bail, because.. it was never about me or us, it was always about him..what HE wanted, what he approved of, what he needed, what was convenient for HIM. When l was honest enough to share that I was feeling weak, he pushed me down further and mocked what I was going through. 
A good partner would have helped build me up to be stronger, but he only tore me down and made me weaker. He pointed out my weaknesses with disgust and let me know he did NOT have time to help me up..even though he is the one who had shoved me down in the first place.
I was hoping he had just tripped me up on accident. He is so smart, but too stupid to realize I am worthwhile. Sometimes he says he knows he's a bad, selfish person and that I am good with a huge, pure heart-BUT he still thinks I deserved misery and abuse while he somehow deserves the best the world has to offer..which he's decided isn't me. Nice logic... :/ 

Texts & Emails from Hoover 4:
My Defiant Response to Stonewalling

In no particular order-


I suppose I am in deep denial about you not caring. So I'll still sometimes share some feelings with you as if you value them. Likely very stupid of me..but oh well. One day D__, I'll accept it and move on. It just isn't easy to accept someone I love so much has never cared about me. I don't want to accept that. Who would I??? I don't feel I deserve to be stonewalled like this. And I am the first one to be hard on myself..but even as mad as I am at myself, I don't feel like pretending I don't exist is warranted. You know for a fact it is cruel and inflicts excruciating pain. I know how I lashed out wasn't nice or ok. But, I know I am worth effort, forgiveness, and consideration. I'm hurting right now. It's hard to know that you're aware I'm in pain and are fine with leaving me that way..even though you did it so many times in the past, part of me still wants to believe you're trying.
Big part of me feels hurt that anything is too much for you, even though you know nothing would be too much to keep me from fighting my butt off for you. I already told you it is unconditional, my care for you. It just sucks. And whether you like knowing it or not, my heart feels broken. And I just really, probably foolishly, hoped it wouldn't happen again. I'm not stupid, but when it comes to you I am a complete moron. I just wish a few things.
I wish you were real and that you cared how I feel. I wish that I was enough for you to fight for and consider even when it hurts. I wish you had enough love for me not to hate me for acting out when you know very well it was bad, but that I would've and have forgiven much worse. So with all this, I should be able to get the picture. I should be able to shut up and move on. But it's not that easy. Every time I make progress you come back. And I beg you not to go, because I love you. But you always leave, just to cone back and tease me with those same hopes you crushed in July.

It isn't your fault I fall for it, but I wish you'd stop. If it is real I wish you'd stop by just staying. It just all sucks. It isn't a game to me. And it would take more than a week for me to trust again and stop having panic attacks and emotional outbursts. If it was real I'd be worth the wait and the pain in your ass. I don't know why I bother typing all these things all the time. I guess just for that off chance that you care, that small chance that is hard to believe in but even harder to let go of,that you do love me.

I'm going to survive. I'm eventually going to fully leave you alone and move on. You bailing on my birthday will probably help me accept my lack of importance in your world. It just sucks because I didn't want to move on. I didn't want things easy, neat, and perfect. I just wanted you. That's all I want right now. And it sucks to be unwanted by you..still. It's the worst feeling because I was stupid enough to offer all of myself to someone who easily rejected me over and over. But I keep coming back for more. Guess I'm broken too.

I'm done texting. I say it and that all the time. But I feel pretty low, pretty hurt, and pretty ashamed of myself. So I just give up. If you wanted to hear from me you wouldn't be ignoring me or gone. I'm just stubborn and love you and keep allowing myself to think.."just maybe he does too" I get it. You don't. That's why you refused to answer me when I asked you "Do you love me and want to be with me?" I should've believed the answer, the silence was a resounding 'NO.'. I'm sorry that I pushed love on you, I just thought you wanted it to. I'm sorry I wasted your time or wasn't interesting and simple enough for you. I am sorry that there is anything I can do to lose you when you know there's nothing you ever did or could ever do to make you lose me too. I'm sorry that you may not be who you said you were, but that still care about you as a person. I am sorry that you think I don't deserve a conversation as much as you deserve peace or to do whatever it is you'd rather do. I am sorry I was a jerk. But mostly I am sorry you don't love me back like you always come back and claim you do.

You leave and won't talk to me for a real goodbye each time. Even though you know it will make it harder for me to heal. Not impossible, but harder. Ok. I doubt you'll read this. You don't appreciate me like you should..or I wouldn't have been denied talking to you again. I don't deserve to be punished and abandoned. I don't. Love doesn't quit from a wrong like the one I did. My love never quit after everything. Because it is real. I'm really sad that you came back, pulled me in, and then left again. If anyone was going to understand me, it should've been you. I love you. I feel squashed and rejected by a person I would never reject . It sucks. But I'll leave you be. You don't want me or think I deserve your time. Again. You've done worse. And I'm not saying that to having a pissing contest with you. But to make my point..that if I can forgive everything and the hell I've been through with you. And you act like my lashing out and freaking out is unforgivable and makes me unworthy of you..you're wrong. You were lucky to have me, and I sure as hell felt lucky to have you too. Bye. You do all the things you'd rather do than build a life with a woman like me who always tries and stands by you. Kk. 


Hope you and that control have a beautiful life together. ❤️😂 That was a joke. But ignoring me when you know it causes harm is never ok. I beg for you, letting my pride be damned because I keep believing you are worth so much more than my ego. Here you are angry and cold. Silent treatment is an emotional attack/control and you know that. Why is power, pride, and 'punishing' me so much more important to you than I am? I shouldn't have to beg and text talk to myself, or have calls and VM ignored. 

I do not deserve this at all. Who do I think I am?? I am a person. I am someone who loves you and who has always forgiven you and sincerely apologized for my wrongdoings and even for your own. After everything, you punish and hurt me even more because I did something that is nowhere near as hideous as things you've done to me. So you get forgiven and my unconditional love, and I get what? Additional belittlement? 

Jesus D***. I'm not mad at you. I'm flabbergasted with your priorities and callous disregard for me. And the fact that
you do whatever you want even if it hurts people, but if someone angers or hurts you you expect them to be punished to the fullest extent of whatever you deem appropriate. What about you? Why is it ok for you? Why is you saying you regret it enough for your errors, but I have to be deleted from your life and hurt for mine? You are not the only person who matters. I feel you know that but don't know it at the same time..You ignoring me is worse than what I did. It is dehumanizing, psychologically abusive, and just straight up selfish. I went off on you. It wasn't right, I don't approve of how I handled it at all. But there is no way you shouldn't be able to see why I felt a lot of that! I love you. I've shown you endlessly. You have not shown me you care, you just say pretty things and then bail on me when I falter or don't do what you expected and wanted me to do. Or after we ____. Right. Ok then. I'm not sitting by my phone anymore hoping for you. I'm done begging and crying. I DO love you and want you, but I deserve to be loved and wanted just as much. 
And Stonewalling is horrible to do to me after you used it as your main weapon all year. I do not deserve to be mistreated and invalidated by you. Getting 'even' is not love. I am cycling in anger, sadness, hopelessness over and over. Which is normal after psychological abuse. But you act shocked when it happens. 🤦🏻‍♀️ who tf do you think is going to be so much better than me and is going to fall into your lap and never anger you or want to rely on you? Humans don't live up to unreasonable expectations or double standards D*** 
You ignore me like an arse and I give you all my attention. You voicemail was nice, but you refused real closure and real love and wanting to marry someone doesn't just vanish like it always does for you. You have never treated me right, but are outraged and discard me when I do you wrong ONCE. All my other text tyrants were warranted this year lol. That one the other day was not, not to that disrespectful extent at least.

Me Vs. You 10/2020


psychologically abuse me and put me through emotional hell over and over again.

still love you, and never sought out justice or petty revenge.

express my anger and suffering through the written word on a passion project(website) to regain a sense of self and heal..I also let you back in again during my healing process

hate me and try to leave as much damage as possible on your way back out the door again. 

That is the painful difference that shows so much I don't want to see. It will never make sense. I will never hate you after being wronged by you so many times, but you absolutely despise me for simply being myself and having feelings or thoughts you don't care for. 

It takes absolutely nothing to go from your love to your hate; which breaks my heart because It means it was never love at all, not on your end. BUT I still don't hate you at all, even while you're out there talking about me like I am garbage that deserves to be put in my place. That isn't love, not at all.

All your wrongs were forms of abuse and/or sheer neglect, which I forgave each time. 

You said I could talk to you about the past and how difficult it was for me because you said you wanted to help me heal, but instead you just shut me out again telling me how I was throwing the fact that you used to be a 'jerk' in your face and then left after letting me know that I was unworthy of the time you barely gave me in the first place. 

I do love you, I do forgive you..but that does not excuae you continuously trying to harm me on purpose.

You have broken my heart D.B. not for leaving, but because of the cruelty you don't hesitate to unleash upon me no matter how much or how many times I have repeatedly shown you I care for you a great deal. 

So many small and huge acts of kindness I have displayed that mean nothing to you when you decide I deserve no mercy for whatever you think I have done wrong to you. 

My love for you was self-sacrificing, and when I tried to care for myself I'd face harsh consequences like your verbal abuse or abrupt abandonment. 

I hope one day you can love someone the way I loved you in our relationship. I don't think you are capable of that. I am not sure how you can be blind to how hard I worked and loved in our relationship. 

Part of me believes you do know I was the one doing all the giving,(you stated exactly that a few times within old apologies) and that you just don't care..That makes me sad. 

The other part of me thinks maybe you get so caught up in your anger and defensive behavior that you can't see anything clearly for a while. Or that you just enjoy hurting me. I'll never know for sure. All I do know is the miserable pattern our relationship always followed. I was not treated with kindness, consideration, or respect. The thought of me expecting your respect immediately causes you to feel angry and disrespected..doesn't it? Because you like to convince yourself that people you're angry at are complete trash, so you can feel justified in treating them accordingly.

D.B., I am not sure what or who actually are, but I know I chose to love you and treated you better than you ever even got close to treating me. I know it is unpleasant for me to know you don't care about me or about how much I have always genuinely cared for you.

I know I did everything for you out of love, just for you to turn around and act like you provided so much and as if I gave you nothing but trouble and frustration. I bent over backwards accommodating you because I adored you and wanted nothing more than to treat you like a king, but you only treated me like I was a servant you couldn't wait to get rid of and blame for anything and everything negative you were experiencing...You claimed you would treat me like your queen, you never did or even got close-not even once.

I was never, and will never be appreciated by you. That is ok, well it isn't.. but it hurts that you act like my love and sacrifice was something you were owed, which is exactly how it seems since you gave nothing back in return, other than a broken heart over and over and over again.

I know you don't care, because that's what you have shown me repeatedly with all the cruel break ups and hateful words no matter how good I treated you, or how much I tried to love you the way you insisted, or how long-suffering I was. 

You acted like you deserved my absolute best to be given to you freely, but you only ever gave me something empty and excruciatingly painful.